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Weekend Visitors

Sarah has been very happy lately because her best friend from Brisbane, Bec, finally arrived to spend a few days with us. Sarah managed to show her off to many of her local friends and they kept busy going to the movies, shopping, giggling and ....... oh yes, Sarah got her nose pierced!!! Also still managed to have fun at the park:

We haven't had any visitors for a while and suddenly we have a flood. With Bec still here, Tony's mate Atim (actually his physio from Brisbane) drove up for the weekend. Thankfully he is a seasoned traveller and was quite happy to camp on our saloon floor. Unfortunately, the lilo had seen one visitor too many and decided to deflate during the night. He'll probably need a physio for his back when he gets home. Had an action-packed weekend. Messed about with the Ripstiks at the park, went kayaking, went sailing (yes, it's been a while). Luckily, when Cyclone Ului was heading this way last month, I had the hulls cleaned, so it was quite easy to crack Windana from her berth. Didn't break any speed records as there was no wind. Played with the screecher for a while then furled it and just drifted with the tide, while we all did a spot of fishing. No luck there, but were well entertained by a pod of dolphins that were feeding nearby.

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