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Bundaberg Port Marina - Christmas Shopping

Arranged a berth at Bundaberg Port Marina so that we could catch up with friends and also do our Christmas shopping (a better town to shop than Gladstone). Keith & Patty (Speranza) helped us tie up and we had a quick catch-up over a cuppa. Hired one of the local rent-a-wrecks and took off to Sugarland Shopping Centre. On the way, managed to spend quite a few pennies at BBQs Galore, Good Guys and BCF (I actually thought we were very well restrained!) Absolutely shopped-till-we-dropped, but it was most successful as we have almost completely finished all in one day. Got back to the marina in time to greet all our guests for sundowners (Keith & Patty and Tony's cousin Wayne and his wife Helen). Dumped our purchases wherever there was a space, threw the necessaries in the fridge and opened the wine and cheese. All set! Had a lovely evening catching up on each others' news and having a good laugh. I finished the evening off stowing all the goodies we bought - very dangerous after a couple of wines. Hopefully I will remember where I hid everything away for Christmas.

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