High and Dry
Up early to find ourselves perched neatly on the edge of the sandbar - thought we were on a bit of an angle! Thankfully the tide was coming in, so Windana sorted herself out.

Farewell to Ashley and Jennifer who flew back to Sydney today - had a really lovely time together.

Late afternoon found Windana playing in the mud again, but this time with her rudders well embedded. As various speed boats motored past, we started to bounce on our rudders, causing some concern. We couldn't just quietly sit and wait for the rising tide again, so spent and hour coaxing Windana back into the deeper water. I think our motors took in a few good gulps of Boyne mud in the process. In the end, we decided that until the mooring situation in the river was sorted, we would have to move to the Gladstone Marina. Checked the tides and worked out it would be a midnight departure. Oh joy!